There's a bit in X-Men: First Class which takes my breath away. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but it involves a coin, and two simple, barely moving shots. It's just a moment, a few seconds of screen time, but for me at least, it encapsulates all that the film is about.
The sequence shows one character completely powerless, silent, unmoving, unable to do anything about the fate about to befall him, and another character screaming at his own inability to prevent what's occurring.
Oh, and a coin.
I like this kind of juxtaposition in movies, especially when done this well. The sequence is part of the finale, and while maybe some other parts of the film didn't live up to the hype, it's worth watching for this sequence, and many other great moments.
The sequence shows one character completely powerless, silent, unmoving, unable to do anything about the fate about to befall him, and another character screaming at his own inability to prevent what's occurring.
Oh, and a coin.
I like this kind of juxtaposition in movies, especially when done this well. The sequence is part of the finale, and while maybe some other parts of the film didn't live up to the hype, it's worth watching for this sequence, and many other great moments.